The Watch Meter!

Introducing the Watch Meter:
Hey guys, I realized that there was something missing from my blog… I had good reviews (if I do say so myself) and some knowledge when it comes to movies. I realized that there is a flaw in big movie review site, they give you a rating and a review but they don’t really tell you which movie to go to a theater and watch… they just give you an idea. Like all good innovators I have a solution,
The “Watch Meter” Usually I give a rating out of 10 for all movies and a justified review… But problem is you don’t really know which movie to watch, Cause on an average most movies get ratings between 5 to 7, so it’s a bit confusing to decide… so I have added the Watch Meter rating system to all my reviews. It’s pretty simple… there are three ratings ‘Must See Movie’, ‘Too Much Time’ and ‘Wait For DVD’
Must See Movie – means you can watch this movie in a movie theater, it will be entertaining and it will be most enjoyed in a movie theater.
Too Much Times – means, if you are too bored or don’t have anything else to do, you can watch this movie in a movie theater.
Wait For DVD – means it’s not really worth going to a movie theater… you can watch it on DVD.
Hopefully this rating system will be useful… please comment and let me know.
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